Saturday, 14 April 2012

Mason Jar Rainbow Cakes

Have you ever made a cake and ended up with a bunch left over that you weren't quite sure what to do with asside from eating it on your own? This is the dilemma that I face whenever I make a cake. This is why I am so excited about the cakes in this post...

Mason Jar Rainbow Cakes!!

First, prepare your favourite cake mix. If you intend to add colours to your mix, pick a white cake. Evenly divide the mix into bowls. The number of bowls you use depends on the amount of colours you decide to use.

Next, add food colouring to your bowls to create different colours. I prefer to use the jell food colouring as I find it creates more vibrant colours compared to liquid food colouring.

Layer the cake mix in mason jars. I filled mine a little too full...try to only fill the jars about half way.

I didn't grease my jars and found they still worked fine, but I have read that you should grease them using a spray before adding the mix.

Bake the cakes on a cookie sheet (in case they overflow) at 350 degrees for approx 35 - 45 minutes. Baking times really depend on the size of the jar and the amount of cake mix in your jars. Just keep an eye on them.

Ice the top of the cake like you would a cupcake and enjoy. Put lids on the leftover jars and put them in the fridge or freezer. I left a jar in the fridge for 2 weeks and it was still great when I ate it.

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